Results for 'Januš C. Varburgh'

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  1.  29
    Review Article of Das österreichische ABGB - The Austrian Civil Code: Deutsch-Englisch. [REVIEW]Daniel Green & Januš C. Varburgh - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (6):2567-2576.
    In 2021, a second updated edition of Eschig’s and Pircher-Eschig’s translation of the Austrian Civil Code (ABGB) (Allgemeines bürgerliches Gesetzbuch für die gesammten deutschen Erbländer der Oesterreichischen Monarchie (ABGB 1811). (as amended), 2023) was released. This edition holds particular relevance due to its potential applicability across a spectrum of players operating at the intersection of language and (civil) law, including legal professionals, the hospitality industry, and mediators. We find that this comprehensive translation may not only serve as a valuable resource (...)
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    Review Article of Hospitality Law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry (Wiley 2017). [REVIEW]Daniel Green & Januš Chaim Varburgh - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (1):283-291.
    In 2017, Barth and Barber released the third edition of their textbook “Hospitality Law: Managing Legal Issues in the Hospitality Industry.” This review focuses on the scope and depth of the legal areas it covers. It examines whether the book strikes the right balance between practicality, feasibility, and conventions within the hotel industry. The authors aim to provide guidance to hospitality students and hospitality managers in developing legal literacy for their professional lives. The review finds that Barth and Barber have (...)
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  3. Traditional Kitsch and the Janus-Head of Comfort.C. E. Emmer - 2014 - In Justyna Stępień, Redefining Kitsch and Camp in Literature and Culture. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 23-38.
    "C.E. Emmer’s article addresses the ongoing debates over how to classify and understand kitsch, from the inception of postmodern culture onwards. It is suggested that the lack of clear distinction between fine art and popular culture generates 'approaches to kitsch – what we might call 'deflationary' approaches – that conspire to create the impression that, ultimately, either 'kitsch' should be abandoned as a concept altogether, or we should simply abandon ourselves to enjoying kitschy objects as kitsch.' The author offers critical (...)
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    The Janus‐Faced Theory of Ideas of the Senses.Thomas C. Vinci - 1998 - In Cartesian truth. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The leading idea of this chapter is that, for Descartes, intellectual ideas make it obvious what metaphysical category the properties they disclose to the mind fall into but not whether they are actually exemplified; sensations make it obvious whether the properties they disclose to the mind are exemplified but not what their metaphysical category is. This idea is worked out through a discussion of three stages in the development of Descartes's doctrine of the material falsity of sensory ideas, the core (...)
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    The Janus Face of Grandiose Narcissism in the Service Industry: Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection.Ran Li, Fan Yang & Xiji Zhu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):909-927.
    Narcissism is considered a generally undesirable trait in the workplace, but is this the whole story? In grandiose narcissism, two dimensions (narcissistic rivalry and narcissistic admiration) are recognized corresponding to self-protecting and self-enhancing regulatory processes separately. Applying the self-regulation theory and the conservation of resources theory, we investigated the distinct outcomes and influencing mechanisms of the two dimensions in an organizational context using multilevel structural equation modeling. Whereas previous literature has found narcissism to be mainly related to negative outcomes in (...)
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    (1 other version)Cartography of the space of theories: an interpretational chart for fields that are both (dark) matter and spacetime.Niels C. M. Martens & Dennis Lehmkuhl - forthcoming - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics.
    This paper pushes back against the Democritean-Newtonian tradition of assuming a strict conceptual dichotomy between spacetime and matter. Our approach proceeds via the more narrow distinction between modified gravity/spacetime and dark matter. A prequel paper argued that the novel field Φ postulated by Berezhiani and Khoury's 'superfluid dark matter theory' is as much matter as anything could possibly be, but also below the critical temperature for superfluidity as much spacetime as anything could possibly be. Here we introduce and critically evaluate (...)
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    L. A. MacKay: Janus. (Univ. of California Publ. in Class. Phil., Vol. 15, No. 4.) Pp. 25. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1956. Paper, 50 c. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1957 - The Classical Review 7 (3-4):265-266.
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    Sir Thomas Browne. [REVIEW]B. C. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):797-797.
    A careful explication de texte which too rarely rises to a macroscopic view of Browne's works. Mrs. Bennett treats Browne less as a master of Baroque style than as a far-ranging, experimental thinker, a Janus who looked back on the medieval world and ahead to the modern one. He took witchcraft seriously but was skeptical of contemporary proofs of it; believed in a Ptolemaic universe but was open to the possible truth of Copernican conceptions; and speculated freely within a framework (...)
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    Emergency claims and democratic action.Jennifer C. Rubenstein - 2015 - Social Philosophy and Policy 32 (1):101-126.
    Abstract:The straightforward normative importance of emergencies suggests that empirically engaged political theorists and philosophers should study them. Indeed, many have done so. In this essay, however, I argue that scholars interested in the political and/or moral dimensions of large-scale emergencies should shift their focus from emergencies to emergency claims. Building on Michael Saward’s model of a “representative claim,” I develop an account of an emergency claim as a claim that a particular (kind of) situation is an emergency, made by particular (...)
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    Shakespeare’s Winter’s Tale: Anatomy of a Passion.Louis C. Charland & R. S. White - 2015 - In Susan Broomhall, Ordering Emotions in Europe, 1100-1800. Boston: Brill. pp. 197-225.
    This essay results from a common interest in the history of emotions shared by an academic with appointments in philosophy and psychiatry (Charland) and a literary historian (White). Where our interests converge is in the early modern concept of 'the passions,' as explanatory of what we now call mental illness. The task we have set ourselves is to see how this might: (a) be exemplified in a 'case study' of the dramatic revelation of Leontes's jealousy in the first half of (...)
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    Anschauung and the Archetype.Malte C. Ebach - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (1):254-270.
    Comparative biology is afield that deals with morphology. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe recognised comparative biology, not as a passive science obsessed with counting similarities as it is today, but as an active field wherein he sought to perceive the inter-relationships of individual organisms to the organic whole, which he termed the archetype. I submit that Goethe's archetype and his application of a technique termed the Anschauung are rigorous and significant ways to conduct delicate empiricism in comparative biology. The future of (...)
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    Interrupting Auschwitz by Josh Cohen. [REVIEW]C. Oscar Jacob - 2004 - Janus Head 7 (1):226-229.
  13.  22
    Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Literatur der Medizin im Verein mit by Janus; L. Choulant; H. Haeser; J. F. C. Hecker; C. F. Heusinger; F. Jahn; J. C. Marx; J. Rosenbaum; A. W. E. Th. Henschel; Central-Magazin für Geschichte und Literärgeschichte der Medizin, ärztliche Biographik, Epidemiographik, medicinische Geographie und Statistik by Janus; H. Bretschneider; A. W. E. Th. Henschel; C. Fr. Heusinger; J. G. Thierfelder. [REVIEW]George Sarton - 1932 - Isis 17:283-284.
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    "Zarte Empirie": Goethean Science as a Way of Knowing.Daniel C. Wahl - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (1):58-76.
    This paper explores the 'delicate empiricism' proposed by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Goethe's scientific work provided an alternative epistemology to that of conventional science. The author discusses the Goethean way of knowing. Particular emphasis is given to the changed understanding of process, form and participation that results from employing the epistemology expressed by Goethe. A methodology for Goethean science is introduced and its applications and their implications are explored. Goethe's "zarte Empirie" — his delicate empiricism - legitimises and organizes the (...)
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  15.  31
    Goethe and the Molecular Aesthetic.Maura C. Flannery - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (1):273-289.
    I argue here that Goethe's "delicate empiricism" is not an alternative approach to science, but an approach that scientists use consistently, though they usually do not label it as such. I further contend that Goethe's views are relevant to today's science, specifically to work on the structure of macromolecules such as proteins. Using the work of Agnes Arber, a botanist and philosopher of science, I will show how her writings help to relate Goethe's work to present-day issues of cognition and (...)
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    A Situated or a Jvdetaphysical Body?Andrew C. Rawnsley - 2007 - Janus Head 9 (2):625-647.
    A common feature of much recent work done in a variety of disciplines is the foregrounding of embodiment. Thinking in terms of a situated body however, brings up a complex problem which has often been overlooked: the re-importation of a kind of metaphysics of the body or a covert idealism, which stubbornly persists in many such discussions. This is seen in treatments ofthe body as a mediation or as a site for inscription of socio-cultural codings. We will briefly show how (...)
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    A Hermeneutic and Rhetoric of Dreams.Cyd C. Ropp - 2000 - Janus Head 3 (1):3-1.
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    Tamqvam figmentvm hominis: Ammianus, constantius II and the portrayal of imperial ritual.Richard Flower - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (2):822-835.
    Constantius, as though the Temple of Janus had been closed and all enemies had been laid low, was longing to visit Rome and, following the death of Magnentius, to hold a triumph, without a victory title and after shedding Roman blood. For he did not himself defeat any belligerent nation or learn that any had been defeated through the courage of his commanders, nor did he add anything to the empire, and in dangerous circumstances he was never seen to lead (...)
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  19. Review of Between Levinas and Heidegger. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2020 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 125 (6):525-26.
    This is a comprehensive critique of the Heidegger problem and while putting forward a critique of Heidegger; it establishes the sanctity of Levinas. In the process of doing so; the reviewer touches on the problems of not considering Edith Stein in a book of this sort. When I got my tenure in India, one wisecrack on the board of interviewers asked me how Kit Marole influenced Shakespeare. I knew that he was just quoting Wayne C Booth's stuff on Macbeth. John (...)
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    Working Memory With Emotional Distraction in Monolingual and Bilingual Children.Monika Janus & Ellen Bialystok - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Oryginalny dokument literacki z życia dawnej Łodzi - cykl Antoniego Sygietyńskiego "Znasz-li ten kraj?".Karolina Janus - 2003 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 6:169-180.
    At the end of the nineteenth century, the main source of information about the city of Łódź were not local periodicals (as there were no such publications), but correspondence printed in Warsaw papers. Apart from regular reports, m years 1898 and 1899, in one of leading Warsaw daily papers, Kurier Warszawski, there appeared a series of articles under the title “Znasz-li ten kraj?” signed by Antoni Sygietyński. It was the aftermath of the writer’s visit in Łódź (as it was noticed (...)
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  22. À l'écoute de Simone Weil. La transposition de(s) sens.Adrienne Janus - 2019 - In Robert Chenavier & Thomas G. Pavel, Simone Weil, réception et transposition. Paris: Classiques Garnier.
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  23. Introduction: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Image of Visual Culture.Adrienne Janus - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Intenzifikatorske partikule u savremenom srpskom jeziku.Ana Janušević Oliveri - 2018 - Kosovska Mitrovica: Filozofski fakultet u Prištini sa privremenim sedištem u Kosovskoj Mitrovici.
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  25. On the Threshold: Visual Culture, Invisible Nature.Adrienne Janus - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Schleiermachers Wirkung auf die Malerei.Richard Janus - 2017 - In Jörg Dierken & Arnulf Scheliha, Der Mensch Und Seine Seele: Bildung – Frömmigkeit – Ästhetik. Akten des Internationalen Kongresses der Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Münster, September 2015. De Gruyter. pp. 659-672.
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    The role of definition in psychology.S. Q. Janus - 1940 - Psychological Review 47 (2):149-154.
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    Elana Shohamy, Eliezer Ben-Rafael and Monica Barni (eds) Linguistic Landscape in the City.Janus Mortensen - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (1):115-119.
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    La perspective d'un jeu de balle.Janus Six - 1923 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 47 (1):307-314.
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    Myron de Thèbes.Janus Six - 1913 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 37 (1):359-377.
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    Nikomachos et la peinture d'un hypogée de Niausta.Janus Six - 1925 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 49 (1):263-280.
  32. Vom Wesen der Dinge.Janus Sylvester - 1920 - [S. l.: S. N.].
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  33. (1 other version)Zhuangzi’s notion of transcendental life.Eske Janus Møllgaard - 2005 - Asian Philosophy 15 (1):1-18.
    In the post-metaphysical climate of the modern Western academy, Chinese thought is often seen as a happy pragmatism free from transcendental pretense. The article shows, on the contrary, that the early Daoist thinker Zhuangzi had not only one but at least two distinct notions of transcendence. The focus is on Zhuangzi's notion of transcendental life, or the life of Heaven as opposed to the life of man. Based on the explication of Zhuangzi's notion of transcendental life, the article provides a (...)
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    The Threat of Longtermism: Is Ecological Catastrophe an Existential Risk? Disillusioned Ideals for a Bold, New Future.Sarah Frances Hicks & Dominika Janus - 2023 - Filozofia 78 (10S):133-148.
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    Criteria of frustration.S. H. Britt & S. Q. Janus - 1940 - Psychological Review 47 (5):451-470.
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  36.  23
    Nancy and Visual Culture.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus (eds.) - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    "In an exciting range of original responses to Nancy's work, these 12 essays reanimate the dialogue between interdisciplinary scholars and practicing artists that originally gave birth to visual culture as a field of study. A new translation of Nancy's essay, 'The Image: Mimesis and Methexis', reveals how Nancy's work informs, challenges and inspires our encounters with visual culture. Jean-Luc Nancy is one of the most original and compelling of those contemporary political and ethical philosophers who, like Jacques Ranciere and Alain (...)
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  37. Presentation and Disappearance: Dialogue between Soun-Giu Kim and Jean-Luc Nancy.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  38. The Image: Mimesis and Methexis.Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus - 2016 - In Carrie Giunta & Adrienne Janus, Nancy and Visual Culture. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  39. Educational mobility in the United States since the 1930s.Michael Hout & Alexander Janus - 2011 - In Greg J. Duncan & Richard J. Murnane, Whither Opportunity?: Rising Inequality, Schools, and Children's Life Chances. Russell Sage. pp. 165--186.
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    From a Means to an End: Patenting in the 1999 Danish ‘Act on Inventions’ and its Effect on Research Practice.Nadja Sejersen & Janus Hansen - 2018 - Minerva 56 (3):261-281.
    This paper examines the potential pitfalls for academic research associated with goal displacements in the implementation of goals and indicators of research commercialization. We ask why patenting has come to serve as the key policy indicator of innovative capacity and what consequences this has for the organization of academic research. To address these questions, the paper presents a case study from Denmark on, firstly, why and how the 1999 Danish ‘Act on Inventions’ introduced patenting as a central instrument to Danish (...)
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  41. Marci Tullii Ciceronis Opera Quæextant Omnia, Ex Mss. Codicibus Emendata Studio Atque Industria J. Gulielmii & J. Gruteri: Nunc Denuo Recogn. Ab J. Gronovio.Marcus Tullius Cicero, Jacobus Gronovius & Janus Gulielmius - 1692
  42.  17
    The Two Cultures.C. P. Snow & Stefan Collini - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The notion that our society, its education system and its intellectual life, is characterised by a split between two cultures – the arts or humanities on one hand and the sciences on the other – has a long history. But it was C. P. Snow's Rede lecture of 1959 that brought it to prominence and began a public debate that is still raging in the media today. This fiftieth anniversary printing of The Two Cultures and its successor piece, A Second (...)
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  43. The Face of Janus: Selected Works of Agnes Heller’s Aesthetics.[author unknown] - unknown
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    The Double Face of Janus and Other Essays in the History of Medicine.Owsei Temkin - 1980 - Journal of the History of Biology 13 (2):347-351.
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    The Four Loves.C. S. Lewis - 1960 - New York: Harcourt, Brace.
    A repackaged edition of the revered author's classic work that examines the four types of human love: affection, friendship, erotic love, and the love of God—part of the C. S. Lewis Signature Classics series. C.S. Lewis—the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics—contemplates the essence of love and how it works in our daily lives in one of (...)
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    On the Janus-facedness of stress and modern life.Fabian Hutmacher - 2019 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 39 (3):181-192.
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    Editorial: The Janus Face of Language: Where Are the Emotions in Words and Where Are the Words in Emotions?Cornelia Herbert, Thomas Ethofer, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Peter Walla & Georg Northoff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  48.  36
    The Problem of Pain.C. S. Lewis - 1944 - New York: Macmillan.
    C. S. Lewis sets out to disentangle this knotty issue but wisely adds that in the end no intellectual solution can dispense with the necessity for patience and ...
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  49. Disposition Impossible.C. S. Jenkins & Daniel Nolan - 2012 - Noûs 46 (4):732-753.
    Are there dispositions which not only do not manifest, but which could not manifest? We argue that there are dispositions to Ф in circumstances C where C is impossible, and some where Ф is impossible. Furthermore, postulating these dispositions does useful theoretical work. This paper describes a number of cases of dispositions had by objects even though those dispositions are not possibly manifest, and argues for the importance of these dispositions.
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  50. Normativity and Scientific Naturalism in Sellars’ ‘Janus‐Faced’ Space of Reasons.James R. O’Shea - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (3):459-471.
    The thought of Wilfrid Sellars has figured prominently in recent discussions of the relationship between naturalism and normativity . On the one hand, some have appealed to Sellars' philosophy in defence of the thesis that what he called the normative 'space of reasons' is in some sense sui generis and irreducible to the natural causal order described by the natural sciences. On the other hand, others have exploited equally central aspects of Sellars' philosophy in defence of the seemingly incompatible project (...)
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